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“Tourism’s Economic Boom: Catalyzing Local Economies for Unprecedented Growth and Prosperity”

Tourism has deeper impact in the revenue of the economy, which also helps in creating jobs and developing the infrastructure of the economy. It also helps in cultural exchanges between foreigners and citizen’s tourist. 

In some countries government heavily depend on tourism for their revenue, as they invest lot of money in developing the infrastructure of the country. As government push their tourism industry more and more tourists visit their country, to ensure that tourist gets proper facilities, government has to develop various project related to infrastructure like road and highways, railways, airports, and hospitals, etc. They also have to develop safe and healthy environment. Local residence will experience opportunity for economic and educational growth.

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Tourism Grow’s Nation?

The impact of tourism on economy is growing and it shows its significance in long run. It enhances economic growth by augmenting the foreign exchange reserves, as investment in human capital, Infrastructure, etc. It also promotes industrial development and leads to creation of jobs which ultimately having impact in the growth of GDP.

·     Positive impact of tourism on environment

       ♦ Social Dimension

 Eco-Tourism also have an active social dimension. As it provides the benefit to local communities to have control over how tourism develops, and to use their lands and resources in more sustainable ways.

       ♦New Growing Industry

Ecotourism is becoming popular and growing at rapid speed worldwide by 10-15 percent.

It is a tourism in which involving traveling to natural area and conserving the environment and improving the well-being of the local people.

·     Negative Impact of tourism on environment

      ♦ Exploitation of resources

Tourism industry puts pressure on the natural resources often leads to over-consumption of resources where scarcity of resources. Tourism often leads to soil erosion, landslides, pollutions, habitat loss and also making species endangered.

      ♦ Climate Change

The climate change also encouraged by the tourism industry. By 2030, there is 25% increase in CO2-emissions. As various tourist destination the large-scale deforestation and increased uses of fossil fuels leads to rapid change in the environment.

·     Economic Impacts

According to the UNWTO 2019 International Tourism report, international tourist arrivals reached 1.4 billion, a 5% increase in 2018. At the same time, the UNWTO (2019) reported export earnings from tourism, or the sum of international tourism receipts and passenger transport, reached a staggering USD 1.7 trillion. This showcase that the industry is a major economic engine of growth and development.

Europe has been the popular among the tourist globally which pumped USD 570 billion in European countries followed by the Asia and the pacific, Americas and Middle East and Africa. Asia has shown significant growth.

·     Social Impacts

Tourism helps the people to share their culture with other peoples. The tourism has positive impacts in the people which lead to learning of different cultural, increase tolerance and amenities, investment in arts and culture, celebration of Indigenous peoples, and community pride.

When developed conscientiously, tourism can, and does, contribute to a positive quality of life for residents and a deeper learning and appreciation for tourists.

Number of travel and tourism jobs worldwide from 2019 to 2021

Impact of tourism growth on local Economies


Tourism has various impact to the nations; it can be positive and negative. Tourism helps in building the nations as tourist brings foreign exchange to the country. Government invests huge amount in projects which are directly or indirectly dedicated to the tourism industry. Because of this the local residence living far away from cities can earn their livelihood and they can also enjoy basic amenities like drinking water, electricity, etc. On the other hand, the development in this area will also cause harmful effects to the environment and economy as well. When government or private players develops project in this area, they have to acquire huge land and have to lay off trees which eventually cause habitat loss to many species. The development also give rise to new environmental problems like soil erosion, climate change, landslides, etc., which effect the economy growth of the area. In the long run government and people has to develop and takes certain steps for sustainable tourism. This will help the development of the region and also reduces loss of habitat.

Author: Samrat Singh

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