The Rise of E-Gaming: Unleashing the Power of Virtual Competitions
The rise of the e-gaming has added a momentum to the growth of the gaming industry. E-sports and Gaming streams are the new normals in the online gaming world. With the coming of the augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), and mobile marketing, the world is gradually growing in a gaming paradise
The top ruling trends of e- gaming
- Cloud gaming: The cloud gaming basically works through internet streaming to deliver games to our device, without downloading or physically installing a game on our system. It can also provide storage and big data analytics for the personalization and requirements of games. As per the report global cloud gaming market can reach up to USD 740 million by 2025.
- Virtual Reality: VRgaming software has created a 3D environment that can be utilized in VR games. Virtual reality headsets are also easily accessible to everyone. Thus, companies are releasing more and more games.
- Augmented Reality: The AR provides digital objects and audio over the real-world gaming surroundings. As per a report, the market for AR and VR video games can reach up to USD 11.0 billion by the year 2026
- Multiplayer Games: Multiplayer games allows the gamers to interact with other players in a common gaming environment. The trend has given a good boost to the gaming world.
- Block Chain-Based Gaming: Block chains use powerful data encryption technologies to prevent hackers from modifying or destroying an online transaction. block chain is a revolutionary platform to create and store in-game assets.
As per a report, the total value of Blockchain game market was USD 175 billion in the year 2020 which will grow USD 218 billion by the year 2023.
- Metaverse: Metaverse in gaming has created a whole new level of realism in gaming. The players can have a near-reality experience while playing the games. while communicating with other players
- AI Powers Games Recommendation and Hyper-Personalized Gaming Services: Artificial intelligence helps to improve the player’s experience in gaming. AI that has the hyper-personalization and recommendations improves the gaming, enhances the user experience, and creates a personalized gaming experiencefor user.
- Cross-Platform Gaming: It is an another trend. It basically involved developing games that can be played using multiple consoles and systems
Major impacts of e-gaming
The Gaming Industry’s Major Challenges
- E-gaming Industry’s Laws and Regulations: There are several types of laws and regulations for almost every type of e-games. These laws almost cover everything from prize marketing to gambling.
- Gaming Content Issues: Many online games focus primarily on some violence and gender concerns. These may have a negative impact on younger children and other issues
- Cybersecurity and User Privacy Challenges: There are many cybersecurity and data privacy challenges with the online games. Many frauds are done through online gaming especially related to payments
- Extreme Competition: Due to the coming of various online games there has been a lot of competition in the gaming industry
Key Online Gaming Industry Stats as per the recent surveys
Thus, the online gaming world is continuously evolving day by day with the coming of new trends. New gaming trends and technologies related to artificial intelligence, VR, AR, cloud gaming etc. has given a boost to this sector. Block chain and metaverse has improved the user experiences. Players are having more realistic experiences. All these things are having a profound impact on almost every sector from economical to social and technology. Also, there are some positive as well as negative psychological impacts on users. Thus, it will be more interesting to the see the evolution of online gaming in the future days.
Author: Muzakkir Ali