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Unlocking Business Success: The Power of Social Selling in the Digital Age

Social Selling is a practice of selling through social media. In this format, sales team uses social media to target or connect with prospects and provided information and services to them. It helps the business to establish strong relationship with the customers which ultimately benefits in the long-term relationship.

Difference between social selling, social media marketing & Social media advertising

  • Social Selling: – Interacting with customers with their post or in their DM
  • Social Media Marketing: – Advertising through company’s social media platform/pages
  • Social Media Advertising: – Advertising on social media without any presences (social media pages) on them

This type of marketing is becoming way more popular, and companies chooses mode based on their convenience.

Benefits of social selling on your business

  • Increases Sales

Business on social media is more likely to serve the audience/customers with quick and faster solutions. In the social media there is no geographic barrier which helps the business to cover vast geography.

  • Brand Creation

Through development in infographic content, business is now in best position as they can be able to convey their idea in best possible manner. Through which customers can feel connected to with the business. All these practices help business to understand and create brand awareness in the market.

  • Trust Building

Business on social media is able to generate word of mouth by sharing feedback of their customers. Customers gives priority to feedback (ratings)

of the product as it helps to gain trust on the business. Business should not do any unlawful activity to gain trust because once trust broken can’t be rebuild.

Trending platform for Social Selling

  • LinkedIn

LinkedIn is becoming one of the best social selling platform and business first preference. LinkedIn was created for job connection. But due to presence of business on the platform and formal communication between people making LinkedIn their first preference in providing solutions to business to business.

  • Facebook

Facebook is becoming more popular to target end customers or for B2C model. Business targets customers for their products. The communication is informal and helps the business to go extra mile to resolve the problem. For professional services business don’t use this platform. E.g.: – Consulting, etc.

  • Instagram

Instagram becomes a popular platform for the business who want to target young audience or want to spread new culture. Business adopting different marketing strategy like meme marketing to attract attentions of prospective customer.


The social selling is becoming important for the business as it is not limited to one particular geographies. Business who are not adopting these methods are lagging behind their competitors. It is becoming important for business to use this method. The social selling helps the business to directly interact with the customer and understand their need and solve the problem. It also helping in building long term and deep relation with the customer. And it gives the opportunity to the business to get immediate feedback from the customer which helps them to take quick decision.

Author: Samrat Singh