Advancements in Sports Medicine: Enhancing Performance, Preventing Injuries, and Driving Market Growth

Author: Vikas Kumar

30 June 2023

Advancements in Sports Medicine: Enhancing Performance, Preventing Injuries, and Driving Market Growth

Sports medicine is basically a branch of medicine which deals with the prevention and treatment of the injuries related to sports. It includes the use of the applications of scientific research and practices to the optimization of athletic performance and health.

The sports medicine market is expected to rise from USD 5.5 billion to USD 7.2 billion by the year 2025, with a CAGR of 5.7% during the forecast years

The above statistic shows that the global sports medicine market size for the year 2018 and a forecast for the year 2026. In 2018, the sports medicine market was estimated to be worth of almost 6 billion USD and is expected to rise to 9.25 billion USD by the year 2026.

Key Trends in sports medicine

  • Monitoring health through sensors and wearables: There are a number of healthcare wearables and sensors available in the market which helps to measure the health of the player
  • Prevention through sensory garments, helmets, mouth guards: There are a number of sports tracking devices available such as GPS trackers and other devices which measures the location and heart rate of the players while running
  • Sports injury rehabilitation: Thestate-of-the-art diagnostics and appropriate rehabilitation tools could shorten the time of recovery and alleviate the pain along the way to feel well again.

Regarding diagnostics, portable medical devices and real-time visualization will make a difference in the future

Key technological developments of Sports medicine markets

Technology helps to gathers data about every second of the performance of the players during training or the actual race. The gathered data helps to analyse the performance of the player and also monitor the health state and warn about overstraining

Latest examples of technological trends of Sports medicine market

  • Smith and nephew launched ilntellio which connects tower platforms to connect and control sports medicine systems
  • American orthopaedic society for sports and medicine launched open access video journal of sports medicine which is video based teaching and learning platforms
  • Smith + Nephew launched HEALICOIL KNOTLESS suture anchor for advanced healing solutions


The global sports medicine market is continuously growing and expanding with the rise in sports injuries, rise IN sport activities, increasing technological advancements in medical equipment and as well as sports medical centers. With the expansion of market, the new trends and technologies are also increasing day by day. In the coming years the industry is expected to get a boost as per the recent technologies is expected to rise to 9.25 billion USD by the year 2026.

Author: Muzakkir Ali 

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